FAQ : Frequently Asked Question
Which documents required for registration ?
ANSWER The registration will be difference depends on each type of member. For more detail please click
Why the registration fee is different in each month. ?
ANSWER The fee will be averaged for each month. If you register within the first half of year, we will consider the membership periods up to December.
If you register in the half year later, we will combine with next year fee.
After submit documents and payment, how many days will we get the code ?
ANSWER We will inform the code within 7 days (official day) after received all the documents and payment.
No sample products yet. What can be used instead ?
ANSWER Can use one photo or brochure or artwork label.
If we won’t need to use a barcode, we do not renew members, do not pay annual fees, whether we cancel membership automatically ?
ANSWER No. Cancellations must be submitted Cancellation Form. All documents must be authorized and signed by the authority with company seal (if any) and submit the signed documents back to us within the time limit set forth in the invoice.
Company has just registered, no profit and loss statement, what should we do ?
ANSWER If the company has registered less than 1 year, do not submit the profit and loss statement. We will consider from registered capital.
When will the power of attorney is needed and whether GS1 Thailand has a form ?
ANSWER The Power of Attorney can only be made when the authorized person can not sign the application form, to authorize another to sign. The general Power of Attorney Form can be accepted. And signed by the authorized person, the attorney, and the witness.
In case of other applicants (not authorized person) submit the application form. Do I need a power of attorney ?
ANSWER If authorized person has completed and corrected all the documents. Other people can submit documents instead of making a power of attorney.
Online subscription, does it mean that the application has already been submitted? ?
ANSWER Online registration means the member filling out the online form and must print the application form and submit the application form to the GS1 Thailand in person or by mail. After staff check the documents are complete, accurate, then we will inform detailed and payment amount by email.
How could we request the member certificate?
ANSWER Requesting a membership certificate Downloadable from Documents Download. Please attach a copy of your recent annual payment slip and fax to 02-345-1217-18. Approval for membership certification will be within 4 working days.
If you have already canceled your membership and want to re-use the same number again. What to do and how much does it cost ?
ANSWER Members must re-apply for the old number by paying the fee amount 7,000 Baht + current year membership fee and submit your application and required documents.
Do they fix the color of barcode ?
ANSWER Bars must have a cool dark tone and the space must be a light tone. (Black bar and White space are recommended) Please refer to the barcode user’s manual to use the other color.
Why did the membership fee increase from the previous year ?