Barcode verification FAQ
What is barcode verification services?
- GS1 Thailand tests the barcode for compliance to the GS1 Standards through a verification process and the GS1 General Specifications. This testing assesses size, color, print quality, and quiet zones. GS1 Thailand also assesses barcode height, location/placement of the barcode, and the correct calculation of the check digit.
Why verify?
- Barcode verification is the best way to ensure that your barcodes will scan the first time, every time. Poor quality barcodes may cost you time, productivity, and money.
Why not just use a scanner to check readability ?
- Any two scanners aren’t the same:
- The optical arrangements available for scanners vary widely.
- Manufacturers of bar code readers build all kinds of clever features into their decode algorithms.
What to verify?
- Parameters that can be measured visually, without equipment
- Parameters that should be measured using verification equipment:
- GS1 Parameters
- ISO Bar Code Print Quality Parameters or Scan Reflectance Profile Analysis (ISO/IEC 15416 – Barcode Print Quality and ISO/IEC 15415 Barcode Print Quality for 2D)
You run the risk, if you do not verify your barcode?
- Some retailers or distributors are increasingly intolerant towards poor quality barcodes.
- The trading partner might refuse your products and might incur fines.
- You lose credibility with your trading partner.
- You might have to re-print the barcodes on your products, thus incurring in additional costs.
When to verify?
- Before produce your products’ packaging: you should send your mock up products or labels to verify and ensure that they meet the GS1 standards.
How long does it take to get the barcode verified?
- It takes about 5 working days to check GS1 & ISO/IEC parameters accurately.
How much is fees for barcode verification service?
- GS1 Thailand member can be granted privileges free of charge. The privileges are based on annual membership fees as follows.
Annual Membership Fees
Number of Privileges Per Year
Rate 1,500
Rate 3,000
Rate 8,000
Rate 10,000
Rate 12,000
* If exceeding the number of privileges granted per year, the fee will be 300 baht per report.
- In case the member takes the barcode sample that is a GS1 number in another country prefix (Non 885) to check ,the fee will be charge 500 baht per report.
- Non-member: THB 700 per report.