改善整个管理体系是创造行业竞争力的重要途径,GS1 Thailand 认为这是一个重要的问题。因此,我们创造 GS1 IN-HOUSE TRAINING , 送我们经验丰富的技术人员为您提供教育和建议去您的公司。这旨在使各级员工,感兴趣的人和公共或私人组织了解全球管理实践的最佳方式。
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GS1 条形码
介绍和建议GS1 标准条形码,自动资料捕获,条形码组件,条形码结构,包括 GTIN 13,GTIN 14,GS1-128,以及条形码用法。
10 个步骤用 GS1 标准条形码实施的
介绍 GS1 标准条形码和实施的10 个步骤为了提高商业运营,包括分配识别号码,选择条形码打印公司,选择条形码放置,在物流和供应链管理中调整条形码的示例等。
GS1 Barcode and EPC/RFID implementation on logistic and supply chain management
Understand GS1 barcode system that recently use, especially with GS1-128 using in transportations. You will also understand about EPC/RFID (Electronic Product Code/ Radio Frequency Identification Technology) which use in logistic and supply chain management in business sector and Thai industrial sector.
Barcode Verify for efficient implement
Understand the role and importance of barcode using on supply chain, the condition and technique on using barcode, selecting barcode’s color contrast, location symbol and so on. You will also understand the barcode standard and the process on barcode verify which will include the way to adjust and improve the quality of barcode.
GS1 Barcode in Advance for Business Efficiencies
Explain a barcode’s overall, understand GS1 Identification Keys, the implementation of barcode symbol: 1D barcode, 2D barcode, GS1 data barcode and GS1 Data Matrix and also GS1 barcode solution.