Obtaining Approval For GTIN Or GCP Use In China
Step 1: Get the Certificate of GS1 Thailand’s Membership
According China’s rule of obtaining approval for GTIN Or GCP use in China, GS1 Member can request for member certification to confirm with customer or relevant organization. Please fill in the member certificate requisition form(link right) and send to info@gs1th.org, We will issue the certificate for active member without behind in payment only.
Step 2: Preparing Documents:
According China’s regulations. Exporters to China may be asked to obtain authorisation for the use of their GTINs by Chinese partners. The term used by your Chinese partner may be “GTIN Authorisation,” “GTIN Registration” or “GTIN Filing.” These all mean the same and refer to a process of certifying to GS1 China (The China Item Coding Center) that your partner has your permission to use your GTINs. In some situations, you may be asked to authorise the use of your Global Company Prefix (GCP) by a Chinese partner.
Important: normal GTIN allocation rules apply so your GCP or GTINs may only be used on products that will remain plainly branded with your brand in the Chinese market.
Steps are shown below:
- Register your items into Member Portal.
- Send the following documents to your Chinese trading partner:
- Your certificate of Good Standing from GS1 Thailand.
- The GS1 China Authorization Declaration Form(link right). This form is required for GTINs only. It is not required for authorizing GCP use.
- Samples or photographs of product packaging using the GTINs or GCP showing the full appearance of the product and including the barcode.